Welcome to Oscar cool Epic Gangnam Style Web Page!

Gallery for many stuff I made!

Hi! My name is Oscar!

I'm a software engineer from Mexico who dabbles in some hobbies like digital art, less often traditional art and sometime like to open a DAW to make funny sounds in it smile.

One of my favorite things to do as a software engineer is to mess around with websites so I wanted to make one to display some of the stuff i have made, mainly my art and midis.

I'm semi active in many social media sites but ill try to update this one anytime I make something new!.

I'll make sure to update all the important socials to be present on my sidebar, but I might forget because I tend to forget about many things smile.

Other stuff of interest?

I like cute stuff, you might have noticed by my art lol.

I like funny animals, like cats, dogs, pigs and many other beasts and bugs and creatures.

I started doing 3D stuff in blender on november 2023 thanks to this handy dandy tutorial. This vide made me go from not using blender because I kept getting overwhelmed and confused to actually being able to make models of characters really quickly. So shout ou to Joey Carlino and his tutorials.